Good evening
I have taken a month vacations from Facebook. I just got back to Montreal to my family after 7 weeks staging Peer Gynt in Switzerland and I found myself in front of the computer facebooking. And all of the sudden I just realised how stupid this was. What was I doing here.
I had long conversation with my friend about this when we were in Switzerland, about how Facebook had no impact on my life whatsoever, an here I was. Just through the door and without delay checking my Facebook for more news about nothing.
So I decided to try it out. The only way to find out if something has an impact on you is to check if you can live without it. So here I am - a month without Facebook.
This is not a political statement, has nothing to do with the film, mr Zuckerbergs doings or non doings. Nothing to do with suspicion that Facebook is a CIA tool or that Facebook being the future of Cyperlife. No - this is simply a lifestyle choice - or should I say - a lifestyle experiment.
I will blog about my life without Facebook - about the certain trails ahead - Both in Icelandic as well as in English.
The time I would normally spend on Facebook will be dedicated to reading David Foster Wallace. About living in the age of consumerism and obsessions. Should be interesting,
Apart form that this time will be split between Jelinek (My next production), Brecht (THe one after that) and Shakespeare (the one after that).
But enough for now.
Let the vacations begin!
þriðjudagur, október 19, 2010
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Glad you are more ways than one!
Glad you are more ways than one!
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