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þetta er ekki beinlýnis auðveld vika. Ég er ekki viðstaddur mikla sigurför krakkanna minna fyrir norðan. Þess í stað hírist ég í Helsinki og bíð þess að fá að heyra frá Berlín! Og það er ekki auðveld
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Næsta verk var annað verk bræðranna frá Rússlandi (þeirra sem skrifuðu Terrorisma). Þetta er einhverskonar verk um einhverskonar veruleika sem einhverskonar fólk þekkir eflaust í einhverskonar aðstæðum. Var ekki hrifinn en ágætis afþreyjingarlesning á eftirmiðdegi.
Svo fór ég og keypti mér heildarverk Sarah Kane og las fyrsta verkið (keypti reyndar í leiðinni Hamlet og Othello, svona til að hafa til samanburðar). Þetta er náttúrulega gargandi snilld og mér óskiljanlegt af hverju þessi verk hafa ekki leitað á íslenskt svið! Kannski að því að svo mikið af íslenskum höfundum er að reyna að skrifa sitt eigið kúk og piss og nauðg og rassaríðingar og augntóftasog og þannig að fólk telur ekki þörf á henni, en það er algjör misskilningur. Það er ekki það sem hún er að skrifa um. Vissulega er ofbeldið rosalegt í verkum hennar en það er ekki aðalatriðið heldur er það notað til þess að vísa í ákveðinn veruleika eða sem hliðstæður, jafnvel birtingarmyndir á þeim aðstæðum sem uppi eru í verkum hennar.
Og þetta langar mig að setja upp. Veit ekki alveg hvernig ég fer að því en ætla virkilega að leggja höfuðið í bleyti og koma þessu á svið. Þetta er svo máttug maður!!!!
Er annars að lesa The short history og nearly everything og skemmti mér konunglega. Ég tek svona vísindaköst af og til. Las um árið hina mjög svo skemmtilegu bók "the short history og time" eftir Hawkins og er nú sumsé að vinna mig í gegnum annan idiot guide to everything. Þetta verður fínt í samtölunum í framtíðinni. Sé það fyrir mér:
"Gaman að þú skulir minnast á himinninn. Vissir þú að Halley halastjarnar var alls ekki fundin af Halley sjálfum? Og í raun fann hann ekkert upp en gerði mannkyninu í raun þann greiða að koma Newton á sporið sem leiddi seinna að tímamótaverkinu Principia? Vissir þú það ekki? Nú, það var þannig að Halley var á fylliríi með félögum sínum.... Allt fengið eftir bestu heimildum.
Svo er ég búinn að vera að lesa um sögu leikstjórabylgjunnar í Hollywood. Merkilegt tímabil þar 1965 - 1980!
Að ógleymdu minni vikulegu skemmtilesningu The Economist. Og ef ég hef ekki sagt það nógu skýrt hér áður þá segi ég það hér með. Þetta ætti að vera skyldulesning á hverju heimili og skylduumræður um heimsmálin ættu að fylgja í kjölfarið. Og það er mín forræðishyggja!
En nú er nóg komið
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The second group fares a lot worse because, unfortunately for them, the variance in the "value" range will be different for each of them, and it will also vary considerably from bet to bet, making the concept of value mere words (and therefore meaningless). he reality is that the majority of people do not have any means whatsoever of identifying "true" value bets.
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In addition to offering the full menu of track bets, i.e., Win, Place, Show, Daily Doubles, Exactas, Quinellas, Trifectas and Superfectas, some have started offering additional types of wagers such as a two horse match bet. This, in our opinion, is the most significant opportunity for horse racing today. In an era where proposition bets on football range from the point spread to which way the wind will be blowing at half time, horse racing is missing the boat. They've failed to recognize what Las Vegas has known for some time, namely that gaming is entertainment and that the way to increase 'handle' is to offer more types of wagers. This year's Superbowl offered over 300 proposition bets resulting in a record setting day for the Las Vegas sports books with over 94 million dollars wagered. To put that into perspective, that's about .6% of the 15 billion dollars wagered annually on horse racing.
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In a sport that is not only highly competitive but relies on high-stakes gambling to sustain itself, some people feel it is unlikely that a practice shown to be a disadvantage would continue. However, such cruelties exist and many countries are taking strong steps to stop it. Like in India for example, it is banned, that is until the jockey has proven himself.
In the 131 years that have passed only 11 horses have managed to accomplish what is arguably the most difficult feat in sports. Compared to the Triple Crown, no-hitters in baseball are an everyday occurrence; back to back championships in other sporting events, a dime a dozen; there have been more solar eclipses in our lifetime than Triple Crown winners and each year more people are struck by lightening than the total number of Triple Crown winners in history.
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Now that Ah Day has passed on the Preakness, eight other horses will be looking to spoil Barbaro's bid for the second leg of the Triple Crown. Two are returning from their Derby bids and six more that skipped the Run for the Roses.
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That brings me on to the point of all this. Who among the many United strikers of the past have been the best? For what they are worth, here are my thoughts on the top 5 strikers in the years prior to Alex Ferguson's reign at Manchester Utd. I have a strong suspicion that if you happen to be reading this your views may not align with mine, but I can live with that. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]manchesterunited[/url] Manchester United was established in 1878 as the Newton Heath Football Club, which served as the works team of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway depot. The club nearly went bankrupt in 1902 but was saved by J.H. Davies who subsequently re-named the team as Manchester United. During World War II, the Old Trafford Football Ground was severely bombed, leaving United without a stadium. They had to seek the assistance of their then more illustrious neighbours, Manchester City, and both teams shared Maine Road as their home stadium for some time. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]wayne rooney[/url] The current home games Manchester United shirt is red with a vertical, white stripe on the reverse. A patch with the words "The Red Devils" on a picture of the club's famous devil mascot is sewn onto to the bottom-left of the jersey. By contrast, the away shirt in use today is white with blue piping at the edges. It has red trim on the neck and the club emblem is on a white background on the left breast. The club emblem is pictured on a white background shield situated on the left breast. The emblem has been altered through the years but was originally designed based on the crest of the City of Manchester. One day Matt Busby was watching a local rugby team in Salford and was impressed by their flair and adventure on the pitch. When he discovered their nickname was "The Red Devils" he decided to attach it to his Manchester United team.
As the French players celebrated the victory at the end of the game, Guti said that Madrid hadn’t played well, not as it used to. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]real madrid football club[/url] Close to the end of the first half, Real Madrid seemed to lack ideas and, though they tried to score, the Whites were unable to disturb the local team.
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Real Madrid’s next game will be against Xerez at the Municipal de Chapín Stadium on February 13th, whereas Espanyol will face Deportivo La Coruna at home on February 14th. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]ronaldo goals[/url] Barcelona and Real Madrid can both boast a star-studded cast. Barcelona won on Tuesday against Racing Santander 4-1, with Lionel Messi scoring two of the team’s four goals; Real Madrid did their job on Wednesday, defeating Villareal 2-0 with goals from Kaka and Cristiano Ronaldo.
One of the factors that can influence the outcome of your program is that many bookmakers set maximum stake limits which can keep you from placing your full wager, so make sure that there in no max limit with any of the bookies that you are dealing with.
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The best sports betting odds are in actuality just numbers, they may be an ever changing set of numbers but just numbers nonetheless. There are many different factors involved in the computation of not the least of which is the number of bettors placing bets on one team. If a bookie sees this happening he will give the team that is dentified as the loser more points and take points from the team deemed the winning team.
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The Paroli System, of all the famed sports betting systems, is thought to be opposite that of Martingale. Where the difference lies is on the scheme that with the Paroli System, you start with one wager and then up the wager when you win rather than with a loss. This system lets the profit run and cut short the losses, which makes it appealing due to the fact that you don’t have to have a lot of money to be able to use it effectively.
If you are employing neither of those two elements, then the risk you run of eventually losing your entire Base Bank is 99.99%. On the other hand, employing only a good Selection System would not only reduce your risk closer to just 10% maximum, you would also have up to a 10% chance of making money. This would mean that the Bookies would suddenly be faced with a 10% possibility of losing to you long-term, rather than a 99.99% certainty of taking your money from you. Throw in a proper Staking Plan on top of that, and you will have increased your chances of winning to as high as 20%.
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Another way of identifying the best sports centrebet betting odds is to examine the money lines on the various sports books online. The quickest and simplest way to understand how to compute the odds and comprehend how the money line centrebet bet works is to take into consideration the amount of money one would have to centrebet bet in order to win one hundred dollars. Normally this figure is shown as a negative and a positive with the negative number indicating what one must wager to win x amount of dollars and the positive showing what one would win.
With this movement the United States has taken a different approach to online gambling. Whereas other countries are working with these services to regulate them, the United States is attempting to prohibit them once and for all. By doing this they are missing out on the ability to tax internet gambling instead of getting rid of it entirely. Conservative estimates have shown that taxing these services could make the government in upwards of $6 billion a year.
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Another important subject I must briefly refer to is "catch-up" staking. If you find that you need to employ this tactic regularly, it means three things: (1) your Selection System sucks, (2) you haven't got a clue about what constitutes a proper Staking Plan, and (3) you have turned your chances of regularly and quickly losing your Base Bank to a 100% certainty!
Finding the right sports books and bookmakers to use for your arbitrage sports centrebet betting can be a daunting task with the internet now they are everywhere. The list of crooked bookmaking sites that have helped part people with their money and robbed them of their winnings grows longer every day. Being enlightened about this all sports centrebet bettors should do their due diligence before signing up with any bookmaker and be sure of their reputation as well as their guarantees on return of winnings. Almost all sports centrebet betting sites will have reviews so read them before making your decision on which one you go with.
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One key thing to remember when you are seeking out the best sports centrebet betting odds is that the best odds and the best sports bookmaker are not necessarily one and the same.
It appears that the United States legal system is closer than ever before to cutting off ties with any type of online gambling within its boundaries. This includes poker, casinos, and sports centrebet betting among others. Generally speaking, anything that has to do with transmitting money via the internet as far as gambling is concerned is being cracked down on quite harshly.
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